While “peace” isn’t typically found on flavor wheels or listed as one of a coffee’s tasting notes, it’s resoundingly present in our Colombian coffee offerings from the country’s Cauca region. Following 50 years of conflict, the country is in the middle of a historic peace process, supported in part by its robust coffee industry. To help encourage this progress, Schuil works closely with Coffee for Peace, a coalition of coffee farmers and market allies. CFP works to ensure economic stability in historic conflict zones through coffee, by aiding farmers with business development, trade facilitation, and coffee quality improvement. We currently source all of our coffees from the country’s Cauca region through Coffee for Peace and the farmers supported by the organization.
Although many of the coffees we bring in through Coffee for Peace can’t be traced back to individual producers, the story and purpose behind them all is just as compelling. Our current offering of Colombia Cauca is a blend of lots from the region’s Chimborazo municipality, regarded for its juicy stone fruit flavors and sweet citrus vibrancy. To compile this blend of lots, CFP worked with the CENCOIC cooperative, who supports indigenous coffee producers, and advocates for their political and land rights.
On a recent trip to Cauca with Coffee for Peace, we were lucky to purchase a single-producer, microlot coffee through the FCC cooperative. Similar to CENCOIC, FCC supports the rights of landworkers known as “campesinos”. Campesinos have lost much of their land to the hand of the Colombian government and violent rebel groups, and are continually disenfranchised even with steps towards peace. Through FCC, we purchased coffee from La Corona Farm in Cajibio, produced by Ever Castillo and his family. Castillo’s coffee offers beautiful notes of blackberry, vanilla, and apricot, and is a testament to improvements in coffee quality supported by Coffee for Peace.
As our relationship with Coffee for Peace and Caucan producers continues to grow, so will our exciting projects to help strengthen the region’s supply chain. Be sure to stay on the lookout for what we have in the works in 2020, and the breadth of stunning Colombian coffees we have coming your way. For more information on Coffee for Peace, you can follow the link to their website below: